Saturday, February 9, 2013

Pressed Down, Shaken Together, and Running Over

That's how I am feeling right now in my Bible reading. I want to blog all that I am learning, all the messages I receive as I read The Word, because I want to remember it all and retain it all. Sometimes I feel like I am in overload mode, and I can't take in anymore.

Each day before I read my Bible I "prayerfully ask God for a message to me" as Mr. LaHaye instructs. It seems like such a simple thing, but I think this is really key. Asking God to help me focus my attention on what I am reading, and what He is trying to say to me, and to prepare my heart for His Word helps me to really shut everything else out which can be very hard to do at times.

Do you ever incorporate music in your quiet time? Lately I have been singing or reading the words to "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" before I start to pray and read. 

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth become strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace."

It is so neat how this song really helps me to develop a laser focus, and allows everything else around me to just melt away.

I have been reading the gospel of Matthew for the last few weeks. Growing up in church I think I have taken a lot of things for granted. I've known "it" my whole life. There was never a real life changing moment when I realized Jesus loved me. I've known that fact as long as I have known my own name. It is a gift and a blessing to grow up in a Christian home, and I have always been thankful. But, one of the things that I have always just taken for granted and never paid it due awe is the words of our Savior in red. As I have been reading the New Testament this time I have really been focusing my attention more on the fact that Jesus actually spoke these words... trying to imagine His voice speaking, (I know He was not speaking in english. Don't get technical with me.) and the significance His words have to us in our day - to me today - knowing that the wisdom of the Bible is timeless. It is for us right now just as much as it was for those He spoke aloud to years ago. 

There are so many verses in Matthew that help to grow ones faith, to encourage one to daily give up their own will to follow God's, to strengthen ones trust in the Lord to supply every need, because He knows what we need before we do, to know HE IS ABLE!, and to build a passion for the great commission. 

I love the "O, ye of little faith" verses. God has done this and this and this, and yet you doubt he can do that for you?!?! He has created Heaven and earth and all that is in them, He is able to... I love to pray these words when I feel like life as I know it is crumbling around me or someone I love. It is so encouraging to remember He is all powerful and in full control at all times! "God Is Able!" I have highlighted these 3 words in Matt. 3:9 along with many other verses in the book.

As I go back and read my notes even just 2 weeks later I realize I have not retained it all. I had forgotten many of the thoughts and messages that I had written down. This is why it is so important to journal as you read your Bible and pray. (It is so fun to go back and read a prayer journal, mark the ones that have been answered, and give Him praise!) So this is why I feel pressed down, shaken together and running over. I just can't retain every word and thought, but He gives it to me in the moments when I need them. And that is a true blessing.

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