Monday, January 28, 2013

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Next on the reading schedule is Romans reading no more than 3 chapters a day.

I have just completed that.

Reading through Romans... my cup runneth over with so much truth. I think I could write about each chapter... about each verse. I won't. I don't have time to do that. You can read it and journal your own thoughts and blessings you receive from it.

Chapter 1 specifically verse 21-32 is heart breaking. "When they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were they thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened." As I read through the first chapter it seemed to paint a vivid picture of present day America.

Continuing through the next few chapters, I felt a number of emotions - sadness, then a sense of liberation followed by utter thankfulness. In my notes I wrote "Thankful for guidelines, for true right and wrong. There is no guessing. The lines are not blurred. There's no gray area. It's black or white, right or wrong - that simplifies life! When you can know for sure what is right and what is wrong and you can admit it, you can get it right. You can ask for the cleansing righteousness that only comes though Jesus - His blood - His death and resurrection. That is freedom! Freedom form sin and from guilt. A much better way to live." (my simpleminded notes - wink)

Some other verses I highlighted (key word being "some"):
Rom. 5:3-5
Rom. 8:6, 8, 16, 25-27 (26 is one of my favorite verses), 28-39 PRAISE THE LORD!
"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us."
Rom. 9:15, 19 Have mercy and compassion on me. Help me not resist Your Will.
Rom. 10:1 May our (specifically my) heart's desire be first for the salvation of souls!
Rom. 11:34-36 Makes me want to shout! :)
Rom. 12:1, 2, 11, 12 (12 is another one of my favorites.) Really might as well highlight the whole 12th chapter. Wow! Romans is one of my favorite books on the Bible! It's all yellow. :)

I am trying not to make this post too long. There is so much in Romans, like I said I don't want to write about every verse even though one really could!

My prayer is that God would give me a specific message from His word each day and help me to remember it through out my day. In my prayer journal before reading chapters 10-12 I wrote " me to grow and transform into the person you have created me to be..." Then read 12:1-2. He gave me specific directions. I stopped right there in my reading and thanked the Lord for this answer. It is not an immediate accomplishment by any means of course you know. It was a fun little conversation the way I see it. He tells me, if I want to see growth and transformation this is how I do it.

Romans 12:12 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Enjoy your read through Romans. Let me know what touches you most as you read this jam-packed book.

Next for me in my reading schedule is to read through the entire New Testament twice by reading 3 chapters a day. This is supposed to take 6 months.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

On Another Note

This is slightly off the topic...

I was just thinking how sweet it is to know the words of hymns. I turned on some piano music, and was just singing along silently realizing how nice it is to focus on the words rather than be distracted by a voice that I may or may not enjoy.

I was listening to this music while reading a book - a book that only requires 1 or 2 pages of reading a day. That's how I fit it in. Listening to music, reading a book and eating lunch all at the same time...

I was touched by the words of the book, so I just want to share it with... whoever you are reading this (wink).

           (That made me think of one of my favorite movies, Anne of Green Gables.)

"TODAY THE PAST HAS NO PLACE IN YOUR LIFE. Stop and think about that for a minute..."

"Be concerned only for today. In your efforts to...(fill in the blank), you are often so busy looking ahead that you miss the **needs and opportunities you have today. You look forward to...(fill in the blank) and in the meantime you neglect to prepare yourself for TODAY'S EVENTS!" 

"You are accountable for TODAY, and today only. Tomorrow will take care of itself." 


Matthew 6:34
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Isaiah 43:18-19
Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.
Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

**Don't miss the needs or opportunities you have TODAY!

So, that took longer than reading 2 pages does. Must get back to other tasks for now.
I am truly enjoying my read through Romans! More on that later.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

...just a few thoughts

John 13:17 "If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them."

In order to follow all the steps outlined, I am rereading "How to study the Bible for Yourself" by Tim LaHaye. You can get it for yourself... click here

Most people who say they don't believe the Bible, or who make other similar statements have never actually read it for themselves. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. "Really? You don't believe it? What part in particular do you not believe?" "What can you tell me about it?" Do they really know any of the narratives? Do they know the difference between true events in history and parables? How did they come to the conclusion that they do not believe it? 

By the same token, there are many believers who believe the Bible, and don't know it. This side of the coin is better, but not by much. 

Tim LaHaye writes, "...if you are ever going to be a happy, successful Christian it will be by regularly feeding on the Word of God and that takes work. The more you work at it the faster and better you will grow. You will find it is well worth the price you are called on to pay... Jesus gave the formula for success when He said, "If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them" (John 13:17). Happiness then is the result of knowing and doing the will of God as He has revealed it in the Bible. The problem with so many Christians is they have not spent the time learning the principles of the Bible so they don't  even know what is expected of them. It is no wonder they do not enjoy all the blessings of the Christian life."

Why was the Bible written? Who was the Bible written for?

In my reading over the past week... a few thoughts I have had... the verses I have highlighted...

Acts 3:12 "Why marvel ye at this? or why look ye so earnestly on us as though by our own power..."
I know I took this verse a bit our of context, but my thoughts as I read this verse before I went on to read the following verses were of praise recognizing that everything I have, everything I am, and everything I do is only because of Jesus.

Acts 4:24 "Lord, thou art God, which has made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is." PRAISE THE LORD! These statements get me excited! If you want to really have a great day, say this statement over and over all day. Say it out loud to the Lord. Say it silently to yourself. Whisper it. Speak it. Sing it. Share it. Shout it! "LORD, THOU ART GOD!" The more you know it, the more you believe it, the more you understand the power and truth in this seemingly simple statement, the less everything else matters.

Lord, thou art my God. <3

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Getting Started With a Plan to Finish

For the New Year I am starting a new blog. The biggest purpose for this blog is to create some personal accountability that will hopefully lead to consistency and completion of a certain goal. I have been very reluctant to start this, but it has become quite a nagging idea. I feel quite vulnerable when writing about my thoughts. I don't really want to do this, but I think it will help me stay on task, and if it helps one person in any way...

The subject comes from a book I read about 8 years ago (Yes, I did read the entire book.) titled "How to Study the Bible for Yourself" by Tim LaHaye. I love the direction given in this book. I have started the reading "regimen" a number of times only to be distracted by another (usually shorter) devotion idea. I am a really great starter, but not a great finisher. I start projects, diets, books... I finish some, but not most.

Anyway, this book in particular is a 3 year Bible reading program (...if I remember that part of the book right. I did read it 8 years ago.) which should not be a problem to one who considers the most important part of the day to be the time spent with God in prayer and in His Word. What is 3 years in a lifetime of Bible reading? Maybe I like shorter studies. Maybe I like to feel that small sense of accomplishment more often.

Enough of the rambling excuses of why I have never finished this study plan. Time to get started.

Actually, I did restart the study a few months ago. I am now quite a bit farther along than I have ever been. I am now in Acts. I have not decided yet if I will restart again in order to share my thoughts from the beginning or if I will just keep going. Without spoiling the book for you and doing my best not to plagiarize, I will list what I have read so far in the order that is given in the book. (I do highly recommend the book to anyone who would like "a good working knowledge of the Bible", "a lifetime of Christian productivity", and "maturity in your Christian life in a relatively short period of time".)

We start in I John - reading it seven times through - the entire book each day for seven days.
Next, read the Gospel of John twice by reading four chapters a day.
Then read the Gospel of Mark twice by reading four chapters a day.
Read the epistles of Paul from Galatians through Philemon by reading an entire book each day excluding Galatians, Ephesians and Timothy. Split these epistles up as you see necessary.
Read the Gospel of Luke - four chapters a day.
Read Acts - four chapters a day.
Read Romans - 3 chapters a day.
Read the New Testament twice - 3 chapters a day.

I do sometimes just read 2 chapters a day. It will take longer to get through the study, but I think it is better to read smaller portions and really take it in. If I am short on time and know that I will be distracted from my reading if I am worried about time, I shorten my reading amount.

I will probably write once a week about things that stand out to me or things I learn or things that I am reminded of. Who knows. I am flexible. Let's see where this study and this blog takes us.