Tuesday, July 16, 2013

To-Do Lists

I read through first and second Peter last week... I was just looking back through some of my notes today, and 2 Peter chapter 1 caught my attention again.

There are a lot of lists in the Bible. I think Paul in particular like lists... Sometimes I think we (or I. I don't know about you.) read through them and then go on with the day almost unaffected. Yuck! Thinking about being unaffected... it makes my skin crawl... it's like taking a bite of spoiled food or a drink of sour milk... can't wait to spit it out! I know I am often unaffected. I will not pretend that I am not, but I desire to more consistently apply the Word and be changed by it. The more I desire this the more I am convinced I can not do this alone. Which puts me right where God wants me... fully relying on Him. But I digress... back to 2 Peter 1...

Verse 8 stood out to me...

For if these things be in you and abound, they shall make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I don't want to be barren or unfruitful, and I crave more and more the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. So, "if these things be in you" - what things? Which lead me back to verses 5 through 7 and the list.
And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge temperance, and to temperance patience, and to patience godliness, and to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness charity. 

With a list like this it helps me to define the words a bit, and my study Bible notes came in very handy for this.

"Virtue is moral excellence."
"Knowledge is spiritual truth."
"Temperance is self-control."
"Patience is endurance."
"Godliness is Godlikeness."
"Brotherly kindness is brotherly love."
"Charity is volitional (from the dictionary - voluntary, the power of using one's will, denoting a decision or choice) love"

That is quite a list! Then verse 9 and 10.

But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he is purged from his old sins. Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:

What a contrast there! If I don't do these things I am BLIND and have FORGOTTEN! I love the word diligence. It implies to me work, responsibility, effort, attention, consistency... If I am diligent to do these things I will NEVER FALL.

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